Printable Comprehension Stories
The printable comprehension stories on this page has been influenced by my study of reading comprehension and its importance to literacy.
To fully understand comprehension requires much study and is beyond the scope of this website to tackle.
I will say though that comprehension and processing of information is a complex and thorny subject.
Before scrolling down to the printable comprehension stories please read the information and try the thought experiment.
The importance of context
When it comes to understanding written language, context
is king. When context is absent or poorly presented students tend to struggle when reading an unfamiliar passage. They may be able to remember small bits of information, such as individual words and phrases,
but be unable to link the information in a meaningful way.
What do I mean by that?
Well, without a proper context unfamiliar text can be very difficult,
almost impossible, to comprehend fully. However, when context
is added to difficult, printed material, comprehension and understanding tend to
increase dramatically.
Thought experiment .
Read the following passage and try to er...comprehend what it is about. The
passage is an example of difficult text, almost devoid of context.
Important: The answer can be found at the end of the passage. However, to get the full effect of the experiment
don't read the answer till you've attempted to 'figure out' the passage unaided.
What is this passage about?
It is the sequence of actions that is of primary importance here. First, it is essential that the stainless steel depression be filled with a suitable mix of differing fluid compounds.
This is important, because overuse of the more viscous of the two fluids can result in slippery and dangerous handling conditions; suffice to say that underuse of the viscous fluid can only lead to failure of the entire
Next, immerse the sullied vessel in the solution. Time and temperature are of the essence here. A higher temperature leads to increased activity of the chemical properties inherent in both fluids.
A greater allotment of time allows for the chemicals in the more viscous of the
fluids to permeate and moisten any hardened matter. This aids easier removal of said matter later.
Once the viscous fluid has done its work the scouring of the vessel should lead to a quick and easy purification. It goes without saying that any remaining matter should be easy to remove.
The vessel can then be laid on its reverse on a rack to ensure that any excess fluid, of both
compounds, dehydrates sufficiently.